Making sense of events within a story
We are constantly building a posteriori stories about how events happened, and about how you can make connections to come up with a coherent whole. To some extent, it is an extension of the Five W's - Who? What? When? Where? Why? -, the five questions that are considered the most basic in problem solving.

Aqua Granda | A Digital Community Memory
Within the framework of "Aqua Granda, a digital community memory" initiative, launched in November 2020 by the EU H2020 ODYCCEUS project and Science Gallery Venice, among the main outputs is a book, available in open access.

Talking (online) about inequality: Towards an observatory on inequality narratives
Part of the MUHAI objectives is developing tools to help humans understand media materials, such as tweets or articles, on critical social issues, in particular socio-economic inequality.

Luc Tuymans through the lens of AI
AI (Artificial Intelligence) researchers try to understand the structures and processes that underlie intelligence and use that insight to build practical applications. Much has already been achieved. But much remains to be discovered.

MUHAI Visual Identity
If the term “scientific” usually attracts our attention, the term “artificial” often alerts us, making us think of a world where human beings are at the margin and robots at the center.

Understanding Society
Why are the neighbourhoods in some cities sharply divided along income boundaries, while in other cities not? Was this always the case in different periods of history? And in different cultures? Has social mobility increased or decreased over time? Why does life expectancy correlate with income?

AI at a Crossroads
Many people believe AI (Artificial Intelligence research) started quite recently, like five years ago. But in fact the field has already had 70 years of fascinating history.

Understanding Everyday Activities
If the proof of the pudding is in the eating then the ultimate test for understanding an instruction is its proper execution. This view greatly expands the scope of natural language understanding

Visions of the Future
It started in the summer of 2030. Cecile’s daughter Lucilla had visited her mother’s wonderful home in a small town in the south of France and noticed that she was occasionally very absent-minded, forgetting things and behaving in a disoriented and erratic way, even for routine every day household tasks like cooking. Lucilla found a stove turned on without anything on it, several cups of half-drunk coffee around the living room, a pot with raw eggs and sugar. Her brother Juha had noticed similar unusual situations, including a chicken in the oven that had been roasted until black.