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MUHAI in the City of Light

March 14-16, 2022 | Organizers: Inès Blin and Remi van Trijp (Sony Computer Science Laboratories Paris)

The first International Conference on Hybrid Human-Artificial Intelligence

June 13-17, 2022 | Deadline for abstract submission: February 25, 2022

Bringing Computational Construction Grammar into your Classes and Research

August 17, 2021 | Tutorial at the 11th International Conference on Construction Grammar

Archives and AI: Coping with Climate Change

Workshop | May 22-24, 2021 @Venice International University | Chairman: Luc Steels.  The workshop uses the AquaGranda Digital Community Memory as a source of...

SECRETS | Artificial Intelligence and Luc Tuymans

April 3 — May 2, 2021 Exhibition @ BOZAR Brussels What is the relationship between art and artificial intelligence (AI)? Can AI become a tool for the con...

Interdisciplinary College | Annual Spring School

March 12 - April 9, 2021 | ‘Connected in Cyberspace’ is the 2021 edition of the Interdisciplinary College (IK)

AI4BELGIUM | Citizen debate

March 18, 2021 | Key notes by Belgian PM De Croo, EU Director for Digital Industry & Artificial Intelligence Lucilla Sioli, and Luc Steels. 9.00-10.30 am - f...

Taking Responsibility for Responsible Artificial Intelligence

December 16, 2020 | webinar Luc Steels, MUHAI Scientific Coordinator, talks of “History Lessons for the Future: Toward a Human-centric governance of AI”. ...

Signals from the Future: Emerging Technologies in Science Journalism

November 4-5, 2020 | Online workshop