MUHAI Newsletter #11 | July 2024

‍MUHAI Newsletter #11 | July 2024

July #wordofthemonth


Can robots cook?

Photo credits: Canva

Alexane Jouglar, (Unamur) translate benchmark results into a language understandable by AI noobs.

Study without ChatGPT… to work more wisely with AI

Photo credits: © Pexels, modified by Folco Soffietti


Paul Van Eecke (VUB), Katrien Beuls (UNamur) and Tim Brys (VUB) explain why students should avoid the use of generative AI during high-school education to be able to use it more efficiently afterwards. Adapted by Folco Soffietti (VIU).

Outputs > Engaging policy & industry

Photo credits: © Kontrast Medien und Marketing


i2b Bremen was an important moment for the MUHAI project to present key results to the public and fellow researchers. The group from University of Bremen ensured a succesful outreach in this first final event of the MUHAI project.

New papers have been issued, check them out!

Project outputs > Volume 2

September, 2024

The second volume of MUHAI is almost ready. It presents project's results and will be available on Zenodo. Check our website's Output section in September!

Project contributions > NAI webinars

May, 2024

Frank van Harmelen, Professor in Knowledge Representation & Reasoning at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, gave a presentation “The K in 'neuro-symbolic' stands for 'knowledge'”. The video is available for free on youtube and is the first webinar in the NAI Webinar Series moderated by Pascal Hitzler, Editor-in-Chief of the Neurosymbolic Artificial Intelligence journal. 

Project updates > REB

June, 2024

One of the project outputs, the Recipe Execution Benchmark, has been updated with an explanatory video, you can check it out on the dedicated page in our website.

Future events > EKAW 2024

26th-28th November, 2024

The conference serves as a premier gathering for scholars, researchers, and practitioners in the fields of knowledge engineering and knowledge management. The 24th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW-24) will take place in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The conference will be held at the Amsterdam Science Park campus from November 26th to November 28th 2024.

Past events > (AKR³)

26th-30th May, 2024

The workshop at ESWC 2024 is dedicated to Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KRR) in the area of cognitive robotics, with the focus on acquiring knowledge from the Web and making it actionable for robotic applications. Its aim is to bring together the European communities specializing in KRR and robotics to increase collaboration and accelerate advancements in the field.

Past events > AISCICOMM24

Picture: event banner


From the 6th to the 7th of June, in Zurich, researchers, communication practitioners dealing with AI gathered for an intense conference. VIU presented a study focused on the perception of AI researchers within the MUHAI project.

Past events > ChatGPT: What now?

Picture: event at ISI


On the 9th of May 2024 Luc Steels (VIU) offered a talk at ISI Foundation (Turin, Italy) to discuss how generative AI may be improved by addressing hallucinations.

This project has received funding from the European 

Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme 

under grant agreement No 951846.