MUHAI Newsletter #4 | March 2022

‍MUHAI Newsletter #4 | March 2022

March #wordofthemonth

Event > IJCAI-ECAI 2022 | Workshop on semantic techniques for narrative-based understanding | CALL FOR PAPERS

July 23, 24 or 25, 2022 | Deadline for paper submission: May 13, 2022
This one-day workshop at the IJCAI-ECAI conference explores how AI systems can employ narratives in the realization of human-centric AI. It will include two invited speakers, presentations of four submitted papers, and a poster and demo session. Send your paper now!

Deep Understanding of Everyday Activity Commands

Household activities such as cooking and cleaning have, until recently, been the exclusive provenance of human participants. The development of robotic agents that can perform different tasks of increasing complexity is slowly changing this state of affairs, creating new opportunities in the domain of household robotics. Check out the video demo!

Linguistic Alignment for Chatbots

Do you ever ask Siri or Alexa for help? Over the last decade, such conversational agents have become common in our daily lives. But in spite of their popularity and the considerable amount of recent research in AI-based understanding and generation of natural language, these interfaces still face some difficult challenges.

EventMUHAI in the City of Light

Paris, March 14-16, 2022 | Organizers: Inès Blin and Remi van Trijp, Sony Computer Science Laboratories Paris

The Sony Computer Science Laboratories Paris were proud to welcome their partners from the MUHAI project for a three-day project meeting at the beautiful Centre Culturel des Irlandais, situated at only a stone throw away from the lab in the Paris Latin Quarter. 

This project has received funding from the European 

Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme 

under grant agreement No 951846.